Monday, June 14, 2010

Won't you take me to Sassytown!

Part I: The Plan

The night before the excursion a meeting was held on the 6th floor of a building found on 78th block of Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin.  Those who accepted this challenge were David, Leah, Lindsay, Melissa, Trey, and I The contents of the plan went as followed. "Can you bring over my jewelry in your bag?  Bring it over with Trey and we'll go over the what we are going to do for the weekend," Lindsay said.  Well I fell asleep and get there slightly late with the jewelry bag in hand.  The decision has already been narrowed down to a small city on the Baltic Sea called Bergen auf Rugen. A piece of paper is handed to to me with Leah pointing out the location of the city on the map.  Leah says, "Look, this is were Bergen auf Rugen is.  They have cliffs, a national park, and the sea."  I replied, "You mean cliffs that we are going to jump off into the sea." Trey says, "Yeah if you want to die."  I took another look at the map and said, "Ok...I'm in?"  From the other room Lindsay yells, "Hey can you get that black bracelet out of the bag for me."  I replied, "What does it look like?"  "It's the only black bracelet in the bag," said Lindsay.  I begin sifting through the bag using various methods of shaking in order to separate the jewelry to see the contents through out the bag.  The room begins to get usually quite.  You know that type of quite that happens only in the movies right before something goes terribly wrong.  Well something did and everyone knew it but me.   It was Lindsay standing next to me in disbelief that I was shaking her Jewelry bag.  Her eyes were as big as saucers, steam began to curl out of her ears, and fire shot out of nose like a dragon.  At the same time that I found her bracelet, I made eye contact with a person who I thought was Lindsay, but the person who was looking back at me was giving me the look of if she wanted to kill me.  Then from the background,  Mellisa and Leah said, "Uhhh, you shouldn't do that." 

...To Be Continued


  1. Ah, Kyle, you were worth the wait.

    Be careful going near seawater with Trey. There was an incident in High School...Mobile Bay, a seagull, a flip flop and a verrry near drowning.

  2. By the by.

    You should be ashamed. Making up stories about that sweet Lindsey. I've seen her picture...sitting by the shore with her water bottle and her clothings of many colors. Sweet as pie. No fire breathing potentials at all...

    I may report you to The Caldwell.
